Is There TV After Death?

Personal Reflection: A theme in much of Gerald’s writing is the need to downsize. This letter from Karl to his friend George is an example of that.


Dear G,

Years ago I heard that question asked by a comedian mocking modern values. He said that must be what modern man is concerned with.

Is there anyone who doesn’t see things collapsing all around us? My niece told me of a family friend who is out of work, fired from his executive position without warning. He has huge credit card debts and won’t be able to make his mortgage payments. He would like to rent a place for his family of four. In trying to sell his house he has reduced the asking price down to $440,000 for a quick sale. No takers so far.

Chuck Harder, the broadcaster received a call for help by someone in a similar situation, only on a much smaller scale. His advice was to get a Winabago type of rolling home. Park it on a lot that has utility hookups, living wherever he could find any kind of work. I have discussed this with some of my survival friends. They agreed with the practicality of such a plan, but some objected they don’t want to give up their possessions to hit the road. Store them, said one.

But a friend had an idea I had not thought of. His idea, buy a used freight trailer. He said there are many thousands sitting idle. He used to load them for Kroger’s. He said the floors are cross-plied oak to take the fork lifts running over them and to bear the heavy pallets. They are weather proof and have secure doors.

His idea, load everything you hold dear into your freight trailer and have it hauled to your survival location. If you have to, live in it yourself. Weather permitting, live in a tent. Sound horrible? How does it compare to people without possessions and no place to live at all?

Ever notice how much survival planning is for a coming disaster, nuclear war, epidemics, crop failures. I’m not against these preparations, G. But it does seem, when I look down my prayer list at all my troubled friends, that the hard times are upon many of us now.


P.S. I did rappel. Finally got the nerve. Tell you about it later.

Author: Gerald Franz

Gerald Franz (1935-2014) was like a second father to me in the 27 years I knew him. Brilliant and eccentric, with a wide array of interests, he fit the definition of being gifted. He strove to shake people loose from their conventional thinking. As a Bible believing Christian, his favorite and most studied Bible subject was prophecy. Writing became a means of teaching in his later years. See more about Gerald here.