What to Do About School

COVID-19 has changed school at all levels. But you know that already, especially if you found yourself teaching your kids at home.

But what about this school year? Will schools have classes in person? Virtually at home? Or some combination of those?

Will schools change in the middle of the semester from one mode of education to another? Since things keep changing, you may be wondering what to do about school.

I highly recommend teaching your children at home. We did it, and I did the majority of the teaching. It was rewarding and fulfilling.

But how does that look for you? How can you make it work?

Here are a few resources to get you started, even if you’re only thinking about teaching your kids at home.

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Sam Sorbo is a vocal advocate for homeschooling. She describes herself on her site as a wife, mom, actress, author, and talk radio host. Take a look at her site and see what’s there for you.

Sorbo recommends coronavirushomeschooling.com. They offer free K-12 lesson plans. You can find out the rules for home schooling in your state as well.

Also, check out an article on Daisy Luther’s site called You’ve Officially Decided to Homeschool. Here’s What to Do Now.

By all means, get plugged into HSLDA, the Home School Legal Defense Association.

With so many things happening that are out of our control, why not take control over what your children are learning. You won’t regret it.

Take baby steps and don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Put your mind to it, and just do this!


August 23 Addendum–Check out this long form podcast from the Boiler Room called Kid’s Lives Matter – Home School In the ‘New Normal’.