The real Reason for Opposition to Home Schooling

The closure of public schools due to the COVID-19 situation has brought unexpected attention to home schooling. Families have been driven to make sure their children are taught at home.

Yet opposition to home schooling still rears its ugly head.

Many on the political left despise home education. After all, we dare not let families parent their children 24/7.

The truth is that the fear is not that children won’t be properly educated. The fear is that they will get the wrong education.

Is it too idealistic to think that many parents will realize it’s public school that has been giving their children the wrong education?

And if parents do come to that conclusion, is it too optimistic to hope they’ll act on it?

Or will things return to something like the old normal, and nothing on the education front will change?

But then there’s this…

What Will Schools Look Like After COVID? Prison Camps. They’ll Look Like Prison Camps.