What’s the Future of the Tax Exempt Status for Churches?

What’s the future of the tax exempt status for churches? And why should anybody care?

Do you remember news reports a few years ago telling us the IRS was targeting conservative groups? Do you think it has stopped doing that? Or could it do it again in the future?

I remember reading a news article from Fox News saying the IRS probed into one prolife organization’s prayers. They wanted to know what they were praying about. That’s no joke.

Talk about an invasion of privacy.

But this could happen no matter which party controls the government, particularly if the views of a church, an organization or prominent individual represent a perceived threat.

And who’s going to do anything about it that carries any clout?

None of this shady IRS business is new. But there is a solution for prolife and conservative groups. Churches, too.

Give up their 501(c)(3) status.

Oh, that would be bad because people wouldn’t give because their gifts aren’t tax deductible.

How cheap and shallow. How easily we’ve given into the slave mentality.

Why not cut ties to Uncle Sam? There are always consequences when strings are attached.

Texe Marrs’ Christian ministry prospered when they dumped tax exempt status several years ago.

I’m not optimistic others will follow suit. Oppression is a lot more fun.

(Did I really say that?)

Besides, hanging on to a tax exempt status gives people something to talk about. It lets them pretend they’re fighting the good fight.

To say we live in ever changing turbulent times sounds too cliche. But it’s true.

Hatred of God’s word will increasingly be used to put pressure on local churches and religious organizations. The devil and his followers are creative at twisting things around and using them as weapons against God’s people.

Furthermore, there’s money in revoking the tax exempt status. How long can such a prize be resisted?