Technocracy and the Great Reset

What is technocracy? What does it have to do with the Great Reset? And why should you care?

I want to draw your attention to a blockbuster video that goes deeper into the subject of technocracy and how it is driving what’s happening in our world right now.

The video is an interview with Patrick Wood on the broad topic of technocracy. He explains…

  • What technocracy is
  • How the Trilateral Commission came about and why it matters
  • Why small businesses are deliberately being crushed
  • Why the COVID-19 crisis came to be
  • How the election circus fits into a bigger plan
  • Why powerful elites believe you and I will like their plans for us
  • Andmore.

Patrick Wood has studied technocracy for several decades and has written a couple of books on the subject. His website is

I believe Wood is a Christian, based on things he has said in other interviews where I’ve heard him. He’s well spoken and has a cheery demeanor.

Wood proposes a simple solution for resisting what’s being done to us. However, I don’t believe enough of us will follow his recommendations to make a difference. The fight has been bred out of us.

I’m not familiar with James Delingpole, the man who conducts the interview with Wood, but he’s from England and does a good job. He lets Wood make his points, and he asks intelligent questions.

For the record, this is not “conspiracy theory” stuff. This is real, and it’s happening now.

Click here for Patrick Wood: Trilateral Commission, Technocracy and The Great Reset.

The interview lasts a little over an hour and a half, but you won’t regret blocking out time for it.

Please also see The Great Reset – A Primer.