Don’t Be That Way!

In a message I had the opportunity to preach recently, I exhorted my hearers not to be a baby believer, a backsliding believer or a bogus believer. The bottom line–Don’t be that way!

There is a positive exhortation for those who will hear it.

In Hebrews 6 Paul makes a strong case for growing in the Lord and for not falling away from the faith. This is one of the most controversial passages in the whole Bible, and there are differing opinions about the correct interpretation. Good men disagree, including Independent Baptists.

My text was Hebrews 5:11-6:12. I shared two common views on Hebrews 6:4-8. Either one might be correct, but they each served to make the major point I attempted to convey.

On Sunday morning, August 28, 2022, I had the privilege of delivering a message I called “Don’t Be That Way” at our church–Northwood Baptist Church, Columbia, MO.

Listen to the message by clicking on its title below. Or right click to save it.

Don’t Be That Way