Sheltering in Place, a.k.a. Bugging In

As a result of restrictions brought on by COVID-19, you may think you know what you need to know about sheltering in place or bugging in. But guidance from a survival expert will keep you from making critical mistakes.

My thanks to Morgan Steward of Paratus Business News for directing my attention to episode 597 of the Art of Manliness podcast called A Survival Expert’s Guide to Bugging-In. Brett McKay interviewed survival expert Creek Stewart who has a wide range of real world experience and credentials pertaining to survival. Perhaps you’ve read his articles or have seen him on TV.

What we’re going through is different than bugging in to make it through a hurricane or blizzard. Electricity is on, the Internet still works, and the water still flows. Food is still available at grocery stores. In fact, these are necessary amenities for so many who are working from home.

But how should you and I prepare if things go on this way for weeks or months? What if restrictions are eased or lifted only to be put back in place later?

Or what if this changes for worse? Power is lost. Food is hard to come by. The Internet and other conveniences fail.

McKay and Stewart consider different categories of bugging in, including how much food and water to have and how to store it. What about first aid? Self defense?

What about entertaining yourself and your family? How do you keep your sanity?

Click here to access A Survival Expert’s Guide to Bugging-In and other helpful resources.