The True Lord’s Prayer

The handful of verses from Matthew 6 or Luke 11, which so many know as the Lord’s prayer, are repeated over and over millions of times in churches each week. But the true Lord’s prayer is in John 17.

On the night before Jesus was crucified, while He was with His disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed a lovely, moving prayer to His Heavenly Father.

Jesus prayed for Himself, His disciples, and for every believer who came after them. That includes me and you–if you’re born again.

On Wednesday evening, April 12, 2023, I had the privilege of delivering a message I called “The True Lord’s Prayer” at our church–Northwood Baptist Church, Columbia, MO.

Listen to the message by clicking on its title below. Or right click to save it.

The True Lord’s Prayer